I don’t have to tell you how overwhelming the past year has been.  You have already lived through it personally.  But what I do want to tell you is that with every crisis comes massive opportunity! And I am thankful to have discovered an awesome opportunity amidst the chaos.

Often in our life, things happen that are not within our control.  But what is within our control is how we choose to think about the situation, and this ultimately affects how our bodies respond to the situation.  As Dr. William James, the father of American psychology said, “Humans can change the circumstances of their lives simply by altering the attitudes of their minds.”

As most of you already know, I have worked in the healthcare field for the past 20 years. First, as an Occupational Therapist working with children with special needs, and for the past 17 years as a Physician Assistant in Rheumatology treating adults with various forms of arthritis and autoimmune diseases. While I learned a lot in college and throughout my continuing medical education over the past two decades, I have learned even more firsthand from my patients.  And I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge over the past year from seeing what is currently happening in our world and within the medical field since the beginning of the pandemic.

I had been focused on helping my patients by trying to identify more diseases and prescribing more medications.  I believed that this was the way to help them, but now I have come to more fully understand that being “healthy” involves MUCH more than just going to the doctor regularly and taking your pharmaceutical drugs as prescribed.  Most people are already doing this, yet they are still sick and getting sicker every year.  The statistics speak for themselves – 60% of adults in the United States have at least one chronic disease, and 40% of those have two or more, 73.6% of adults in the United States are overweight and 42.5% of those are obese.  Chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability and highest drivers of our nation’s $3.8 trillion dollar annual health care costs (www.cdc.org).

I knew deep down in my heart that there had to be more than just pills and procedures to help people improve their health and overcome dis-ease.  So, in order to better help myself, my family, friends, and patients achieve a greater level of health, I sought out more training outside of traditional education on my own and became certified in nutrition, health coaching, and yoga.  Through this education and experience using more comprehensive and holistic tools, I learned an immense amount of new information about the fundamentals of human health and met the most brilliant doctors and health experts that opened my mind to different perspectives and taught me new strategies to promote true healing and overall wellness in both in myself and with my patients.  Through all of this I came to surprisingly discover that self-care is more important that healthcare!  The small actions that a person takes each and everyday in the way they “eat, drink, move, and think” is more powerful than a 20 minute doctor appointment every 6 months, or should I say, in today’s digital age, a 15 minute tele-visit on your smartphone.

Due to the pandemic, my medical office had to learn how to implement the new technology of Telemedicine in order to accommodate our patients.  This helped me learn much more about technology and the internet than I was previously unaware of.  Also, it inspired me to discover how I could merge my knowledge of Telemedicine with my patients at work with my personal home business in order to offer Zoom consultations.

So, where I am going with all of this?  Well, there comes a critical point in time when the threshold is reached for change and the crowd comes together to overcome the status quo and demand a better way – this is the CrowdPoint. And I am excited to say that I think we have all finally reached that point! Because of the pandemic and the massive amount of changes that have been imposed upon us over the past year, more and more people are becoming more and more aware of the massive threats to our health, freedom, and privacy that are being imposed upon us now largely due to technology and the superpowers of our government, Big Data, Big Tech, and Big Pharma.

This digital revolution began in the 1990’s with the invention of personal computers and the internet, and later with mobile phones, computing clouds, and social networking. This has totally transformed our work practices, and radically disrupted EVERY business sector, but especially in my field of healthcare. With the invention of wearable technology, implantable digital medical devices, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, robotics, voice activated assistants (such as Alexa and Siri), facial recognition, GPS, the internet of things, and the upcoming internet of bodies, we are moving into the Fourth Industrial Revolution.  This age will certainly provide us with more convenience and save us a lot of time, but it will naturally blur the boundaries between our physical, digital, and biological worlds.

Most people want the best of both worlds – the modern technology that offers us convenience and saves us time and money, as well as the ancient wisdom of natural world that forms the foundation of human health. Herein lies the dilemma - In this modern age we are all becoming more and more dependent on technology, yet we are less and less knowledgeable and conversive in it.  Unfortunately, this opens us up to increased security risks and cybercrimes such as: theft of credit card data, financial institution data, email fraud, extortion, and identity theft.  Cybercrime is now ranked as the largest area of crime in the world, costing the United States 1 trillion dollars in 2020, which is greater than all drug trafficking combined.  And with all of the new and coming technology to be used by more people soon, it is projected to cost the world 10.5 trillion by 2025!

The global economy has run on oil for hundreds of years, but now in this new digital age - DATA IS THE NEW OIL!  Everyday you are producing oil and it is being stolen from you (internet searches, email content, voice listening devices, smart devices – phones, TV, doorbell cameras, thermostats, door openers, security cameras, social media information, GPS/location services).  Many people are unaware that these data collection capabilities exist, and they are even more unaware that when they purchase these devices/services and connect them to the internet, they are signing away their rights to their own data and putting themselves at risk.  We are locking our doors and setting our security systems to protect our homes, but we are not protecting our own data and identity when we go on the internet or use devices that are connected to it which makes us extremely vulnerable to attacks. 

If data is the new oil, and oil is an extremely valuable resource to run our economy, imagine how valuable your personal data is to these big corporations.  We are being exploited without even knowing it! Big corporations are mining and selling our data and profiting off of the value that we bring to the marketplace while putting us at increased risk of cybercrime. And I hate to say it, but I think our regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting us are more concerned with protecting industry and private profits than the people and public health!

So, how can you take charge of your own identity?  How can you take ownership of your own private data in the new digital world? How can you become a trusted agent in an untrusted world? Well, I think I have found an answer from two amazing human beings - a doctor who I really trust and his good friend and former Army Ranger who is the founder of an amazing new company called CrowdPoint.

CrowdPoint is a brand new company with a brand new technology called the Blockchain and a refreshingly different new mindset to respect and value your personal data and protect it in a safe ecosystem.  They are on a mission to create a healthier commerce platform than the surveillance capitalism systems that currently exists in our world. This new platform will only display quality products to consumers who are really interested in them, without the middle men and without Big Data stealing your personal data – your most valuable asset. 

The dot com boom of the 90’s was HUGE, but most of us missed out on it because we did not know about it, or we simply did not understand it.  Well, now is your chance to join me and get involved in something even bigger and better - Blockchain. Blockchain will revolutionize the use of the internet! Think of it like a huge digital ledger that keeps record of transactions in the most secure way.  It will level the playing field for everyone to participate equally, decentralize the flow of money from the global elite, enable cryptocurrency to exist, create secure transparent transactions from source to finish, enable trusted smart contracts in real time, get rid of all the middle men to speed up transactions and save us a lot of time and money, and help us move from the current state of surveillance capitalism toward a true free market. 

I strongly believe that personal privacy, health freedom, and bodily sovereignty are fundamental human rights! I feel very strongly about helping protect those who cannot protect themselves.  I am so grateful to have found amazing servant leaders who are standing up to protect human rights and are doing such amazing work in this world that I feel compelled to help them on their mission. So, I invite you to join me and the CrowdPoint Technologies team to learn how to protect and defend your privacy and form a citizen army in this new digital age. 

With the help of CrowdPoint, I have chose to launch my business to the next level to become a distributor of health and wellness products that I believe in using a system of e-commerce that can also feel good about and help my friends, family, and clients as well.  There are also opportunities to become a reseller of health and wellness or cybersecurity products, technicians who want to help customers use CrowdPoint’s AI and Blockchain technology to protect their devices, and customers who want to defend and democratize their personal data, and of course, shoppers who are interested in purchasing high quality products on the various exchanges to support small businesses.   

Please click on the “contact” tab above to email me if you are interested.  I would love to talk to you more about how I can help you personally with the amazing tools of good nutrition, yoga, and health coaching to help you achieve optimal health to “Bloom” into your best!

Healthy Wishes,
Katrina Kemp