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“Working with Katrina was one of the most life-changing experiences that I have even been through. She not only taught me how to eat well, but she helped me understand how proper nutrition improved my overall health and taught me how to feed my body and my soul.  I gained a deeper love for my food, preparing my meals, and acceptance of my body that has truly improved my overall quality of life.” – Viana A.


“I credit Katrina with improving my quality of life. I have been struggling with the chronic illness, scleroderma for 25 years. Ten years ago, when I met Katrina, the management of my illness had been limited to medications. The little improvement that I saw had plateaued and my symptoms were persistent.  Katrina guided me toward nutrition and yoga as additional means of managing my illness.  Taking her advice, I have seen remarkable improvement in my symptoms since my diagnosis, and I have reduced the amount of medication that I take.  I am forever grateful for Katrina, and I look forward to continuing my journey to improve my health with her guidance.” -  Lisa M.


“From my very initial interaction with Katrina, I was in awe of her compassion and wanted to learn more from her.  First, I attended her yoga classes, which were amazing and left me feeling challenged and relaxed at the same time. I also had a private yoga class with her which was a magical experience! I have yet to find another teacher that I have appreciated as much as her. I also attended her nutrition class and learned so much in one hour that I signed up for private nutrition coaching with her.  After working with her for a month, I gained a deeper understanding of how to eat better that was easy to implement and realistic to maintain.  I will forever be grateful to Katrina for all that she taught me on how to take better care of myself .”  – Kaisa P.


“I was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal lung cancer with metastases to the brain in 2013.  The doctors told me there were no treatment options and informed me that I had “months and maybe even a year” to live, but I refused to give up so I sought out nutritional consulting services with Katrina.  Four years later now, my oncologist’s exact words were “keep doing what you’re doing”.  I can’t thank Katrina enough for her wisdom, dedication, compassion, and optimism that gives me the strength to keep fighting.” – Maria F.


“Katrina is such an incredible person! She truly cares about people and is passionate about helping others regain their health.  It amazes me how much knowledge she has about the human body and how it works. She strives to help people reach balance, both physically and mentally, to have the best life possible.  She has helped me tremendously, and I cannot imagine where I would be without her help.  I am forever grateful to have found her!” – Sherri E.


“Katrina is wonderful! She is one of the smartest people I have ever met! The help that she has provided me with on improving my nutrition and overall wellness has been a blessing to me and my family! Her passion and dedication toward helping people is a rare find!” – Brandi A.


“Katrina is very knowledgeable and professional. She took time to really get to know me, my interests, and my health goals and then prepared an individualized plan that allow me to reach and maintain my goals.  It was a pleasure to work with her!” – Fernando L.