It goes without saying that being a mom is one of the toughest, but most rewarding jobs out there.  A mother constantly gives to her children and puts their needs before hers.  None of us would be here if not for our moms.  So let’s take today to give thanks for all of our mothers and the gift of life that they gave to us.  Let us also say “thank you” to ALL of the amazing moms out there who are doing a great job raising their children to make this world a better place.

I know that I am eternally thankful for my mom.  She dedicated her life to raising me and my brother.  She is the most selfless, strong, smart, and supportive woman I have ever met. I feel so blessed to be able to call her my mom.  Like Abraham Lincoln said, “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my mother.”

Ever year when Mother’s Day gets close, I find myself feeling nostalgic about my son’s birth and the day I became a mother.  I feel such appreciation for being given the gift of motherhood.  I want to remind all the moms out there to do the same - to be grateful for the job of fostering these little one’s growth and development, while also gaining a tremendous amount of knowledge and wisdom about life from the duties of motherhood.

It’s a good time to also remember that we don’t need to wait for a special day once a year to let our moms know how much we love them.  Take time to let them know you are thinking of them often and that you miss and love them always!  After all, when your children get older, you will want them to do the same. 

Although motherhood may be difficult at times, just hang in there and it will pay off in the end. Remember that being a full-time Mom is one of the highest salary jobs ever because the payment is the highest currency of all – PURE LOVE! 

I have also included a recipe for what I think is the perfect Mother’s Day breakfast – “Momelettes”. Just click on the "recipes" tab above or go to my website at to get the full recipe.

Happy Mother's Day!  I hope that your feel loved and appreciated today!

Healthy Wishes,