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Happy Memorial Day! Today, most people associate Memorial Day with the unofficial start of summer and vacation time; however, historically, it was about honoring those soldiers who died fighting for our country’s freedom.  Memorial Day started after the Civil War in 1868.  It was a day traditionally spent visiting and decorating the graves of the fallen and honoring their families. Unfortunately, today many Americans have forgotten about this and take their freedom for granted. So today I encourage you to remember the origin of this special holiday and why we celebrate it.  Take some time to reflect and be thankful for what you have, and focus on what you can do to honor your freedom and our nation’s history.

Also, take time to appreciate how amazing it is to be able to remember your past.  I don’t think we spend enough time remembering all the things we have to be grateful for, including our memories!  In a time when the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease is rapidly increasing (currently affecting over 5 million Americans), we MUST appreciate the gift of our memories! 

When I remember something from my childhood, come across an old family photo, smell a nostalgic scent like crayons, or hear an old song on the radio, it is like receiving a present! Those memories are precious gifts that I get to open every time I encounter them and serve to remind me what I give value to in my life.

How about you? Are you taking time to remember and honor your past? Are you celebrating your happy memories or are you spending most of your brain power worrying about the future?  I encourage you to take time to observe your thoughts and acknowledge your memories.  Celebrate them as gifts and share them with others.  Perhaps even write them down to create your story for future generations to remember your legacy.

May we celebrate this Memorial Day by remembering those who sacrificed their lives for our country, our freedom, and may we honor them by recognizing the blessing of our own memories!

Healthy Wishes,