Greetings friends! Happy 4th of July!  As you may already know, on July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence and freedom from England to form the great United States of America. Hence, the name, Independence Day, for the 4th of July. It is certainly a very special day for our country, but should also be a very important day for each of us to reflect on what independence and freedom mean to us personally.  

Have you taken the time to truly think about what freedom and independence mean to you? To be free of disease?  To be free of excess body weight? To be free of mental and emotional stress?  To be free of financial debt? Well, you should think you how fortunate you are to live in this country where we do have the FREEDOM to make choices about our health and happiness! While it is not all free to us, we are free to decide how we will live our lives.  You have the independence to make these choices. Take time to think about what you want to be free of and how you are going to release it. 

Whatever you do to celebrate the holiday next week, I hope you take time to celebrate your own personal independence and freedom to look and feel your best! Start by making a healthy choice, perhaps with one of my new FREE healthy recipes of "Red, White, & Blueberry Smoothies" or "Red, White, & Blueberry Kabobs", or maybe by coming to one of yoga classes, or perhaps choosing to slim down for summer with a 30 day nutritional detox plan (just click on the links of my website for details).  As always, I look forward to helping you BLOOM into your best!

Healthy Wishes,